What is it? Purpose
Iberian network of
geomining spaces
The main objectives of the Iberian Network of Geomining Spaces were initially focused on topics related to Geological Parks, Geological and Mining Parks, and Mining Museums, i.e. on issues relevant to the network’s founding entities. Since the incorporation into the Network of other spaces and entities involved in Geological and Mining Heritage, coming from different areas, the objectives have gradually acquired a broader perspective.
The underlying purpose is to establish an open coordination network for all territories and entities working for the conservation, social exploitation and rural devolopement of the Geological and Mining Heritage, despite their organizational characteristics.
The Network is focused on the following basic objectives:
- Territories and entities whose goal is the protection and promotion of Geological and Mining Heritage, and give value to this heritage, can be part of the Network. Entities such as Geological Parks, Geological and Mining Parks, Cultural Parks, Mining Museums, Mining Territories, Geoparks, Natural Parks, National Parks, Biosphere Reserves, Entities and Companies dedicated to the promotion of the Geological and Mining Heritage, Caves and Shafts, Scientific Societies, …are elegible.
- Entities will work as a team in the different areas of the network, each in its own field, for the conservation and dissemination of heritage.
- Deepen the collaboration between entities in the Network based in different locations. The reality is that there are diverse territories structured under different names, Sometimes the territories don’t know each other well and further, most of them are not supported by homogeneous and/or developed regulations.
- Exchange of experiences between the different territories and entities integrated in the Network, creating a forum open to other territories interested in this initiative.
- Hold regular meetings in each of the network territories.
- Establish contacts with Andorran, Spanish and Portuguese societies dedicated to the protection of geological and mining heritage.
- Establish collaborative contacts with the Spanish and Portuguese networks of UNESCO Geoparks.
- Establish contacts with other similar European networks.
- Facilitate relationships among different universities for the study of Geological and Mining Heritage.
You want to be part of our team?
If you are an entity or institution and want to be part of the Iberian Network of Geological Spaces, press the button and fill out the form.